Safety Tips For Keeping Your Dog Warm When It's Cold

Spring is almost here, but it's still cold!  Here are some really great safety tips for keeping your dog warm when it's cold out! 

Tips for Keeping Your Pup Warm During Winter 

Doggie Coats

The graphic below talks about how to keep your dog warm when outside using doggie coats for those breeds with shorter and thinner hair like Weimaraners, Whippets and Greyhounds, Chihuahuas, Hairless Chinese Cresteds, and similar breeds of dogs.  If you have a breed that doesn't shed or has longer coats, let their hair grow long during the winter months for added warmth.  

Limit Time Outside 

It also mentioned to limit their time outside and to make sure you dry them off and remove any snow that may have clumped in their fur, paws, or in between their pads/toes.  

Indoor Exercise

If your dog is used to getting or needs a lot of exercise, work them indoors or enroll them into a doggie daycare where they can expel all that energy in a safe, warm environment.  There are lots of indoor games that are really fun and can tire dogs out: playing fetch up and down the stairs, playing hide and seek, and playing seek and find games with treats or their toys.  


Lastly, and the most important, is hydration.  The air is much dryer in the colder months and while there may be a lot of snow outside at times, it is very easy to get dehydrated.  So much sure your pup always has access to water. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Dog Winter Safety Tips"] By Steve H



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